Reginah in Canada? EH?
This picture was taken in Jinja - Uganda with some Hotelier friends. Standing L-R; Mr. Mucwa (F&B Supervisor, Mweya), Myself (in a cream-like blazer), a Front Office Supervisor from Nile Hotel, and Reginah (F&B Manager Windsor Lake Victoria Hotel, Entebbe). Uncomfirmed reports say Reginah is in Ontario for further studies.
I have just heard that my friend Reginah is in one of Ontario's universities for further studies. The whistle blower expects a full blown effort from me tracing down Reginah in this large and densely populated province! Give me a break folks. Hopes' experience makes me less eager to venture. He tried unearthing a friend for three years, and when he finally got hold him, he melted off the earth crust! On second thought, i'll be on her case tomorrow...
Mado just caught me flat footed, she left a comment on my blog. Most people simply send e-mails to me commenting on my lamentations, but a comment on my blog? Mado you are a head of time, i am impressed.
Now this flue bug has zeroed up on me pretty good despite that flue shot! Come to think about it, i have never had a flu shot before until now (that i am employed by a hospital for its mandatory) and needless to say never fallen prey to the bug. That, my friends supports my Drug corporations theory, the moment i took the shot, my defences against the bug fell apart! Go figure!
The only person free from the flu in this house is Hopes! Do u think that will make him help out with domestic duties? Sometimes, but hey consistency is badly needed in this regard. Men! Isn't that one of the reasons why the lesbian community is growing at fast rate?
The bullish NHL Commissioner has just drove the last nail in the coffin of the NHL league! We all saw it coming, but the negotiation theatre kept us guessing. Taking us for a ride was rude, period! Now just like most Canadians i am stuck with...NBA, with this snail pacing Raptors i will be dead from boredom before that dreadful Baseball league commences to bury me! Heavenly father save my soul.