In search for a sanctuary from harsh Winter blizzards
Faith standing by her bedroom ready
to leave for the harbor front on Lake
We did not go to church usual! We found checking out an apartment on Lake Ontario harbor front a priority. Absurd! This winter has been so taxing with snow ploughing around the house, higher gas costs, scrapping ice off cars, to mention but a few, very annoying and tiring. May be if we moved from a house to a high rise all that winter burden will slump.
Nice apartment with a great view of the lake, but that area seems colder and Hopes doesn't seem intrigued by my good intentions! I really liked the apartment...cosy is the best word for it and inside parking. That means no scrapping ice, somebody else ploughs the snow...what the hell are we waiting for?
Today the Raptors actually won a game, against Los Angeles Clippers...Bosh was running nuts dunking on people like there is no tomorrow. Eric Williams wants to be traded, like he is doing a great deal of a job here in T.O - get real Eric!! That reminds me, did anybody hear this? Mbu Barry Bonds knew all along that he was on 'roids!!!! Doesn't he owe us an apology and a jail term?
Primrose hears perfectly fine now. I noticed for once that she was responding to Dora the Explorers' chants on Tree house channel and singing along. Men, there is a God.
Is it me? These music awards are way off the mark, i used to get glued on to the tube late in the night, whilst a student in Nairobi, waiting for these awards with utmost anticipation. Now, i can hadly stand that stuff! That is age my friends, age has finally caught up with me big time. Iam hoping Mase, Usher and Kanye West win, the rest go hang!!