Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007; New Beginnings, Fresh Resolutions

My rafikis and all of you folks who happen to drop by each day, perusing through my boring posts about my dysfunctional life and experiences, HAPPY NEW YEAR. May this New Year bring you many blessings of good health, dreams to come true, prayers to be answered, and gratitude for all. Remember: “Life is a series of new beginnings and in every ordinary moment there are a thousand miracles to behold.” -Flavia Weedn.

I read all your posts blogger friends every day. I may not comment sometimes, but I do read each of your posts. They are all refreshing, inspirational, informative and educational. Blogger gave me new meaning in 2006. Dennis Muhumuza, Jovial, Omar, Zack, Cindy, Joshi, Feliste, L.A, UnDo, The Goddess, Degstar, Minty, Denis Matanda, Kisiki, Jay, Savage, Scotchie, Eddie, Ivan, Iwaya, Carlo, Be Silent, Pea, Baz 2007 uzababere umwaka wa amata nu ubuki.

I always succumb to this popular ritual of listing a galaxy of new year resolutions which I never keep. Tomorrow will be another year and yet another good excuse to party all night long and ofcourse tackle This time around my new year resolution grounds at recycling old ones that were not kept hoping that I'll stay true to them.

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - Mitch Ratcliffe. Well, I am just recovering from this horrible experience of a computer crash. I saw all the warning signs, spyware and viruses, but each time I postponed utilizing registry mechanic. I had noticed, for instance that each time somebody visited or commented on my blog my PC attached my IP address to the source PC. I am still baffled and scared to know that such network manipulation is possible.

Anywayz, I'll take this opportunity to share Prof. Smith's 12 thoughts for a happy new year;

“Live each day so that you will neither be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday.” - Author Unknown



1. To face the coming year’s problems use HOPE, faith, and your trust in God and His wisdom to guide you to the future that’s right for you. You can create your own future by focusing your thoughts on what you wish to accomplish. Know that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life – both good and bad.

2. Make it your ASPIRATION to achieve something worthwhile. Learn a new skill, or seek greater knowledge in areas you don’t now have. Seek and master new ways to do something that’s already been done -and- do it better! Use the power of purpose by giving whatever it is you desire the highest amount of your attention. This determines how successful you will become.

3. Make a concentrated effort to improve, grow, and PROSPER. Increase your financial security. Dare to be happy. Exercise and stay in good health. Keep a positive attitude. Do whatever it takes to improve your personal and business image. And know that your relationship with giving is the spiritual source of your true prosperity.

4. Treat your life, family, friends, and others you meet as a PRECIOUS gift to be enjoyed, and of great value. Regard them with a love that is special and - it will all come back to you. Send forth good and it multiples. Honor every one you come in contact with today, tomorrow, and make it an ongoing behavior. This too, is paid back to you by the Universe.

5. To YEARN is to express compassion. In this coming new year, experience it and show compassion for those less fortunate then you are. Offer ways to help others whenever and wherever you can. Give only good. The more you give of yourself, the more comes back to you. It may help make this a better world.

6. Learn to NETWORK and link to other like-minded individuals; whether it’s in an educational, business, or social setting the benefits can add to your growth and success. Celebrate and share your abilities so that you can attract more of the same.

7. Be EAGER to learn new things. Opportunities are all around you. Having an intense passion or desire to find new opportunities is the sign of an enthusiastic person. This desire comes from God. In order for you to find new opportunities, always move toward your goal with a spiritual awareness.

8. WISDOM - the ability to make well thought out decisions comes from maturity and understanding. In any given situation, it is wise not to judge until all facts are understood. Be open to understanding another’s point of view. Do you look at the world with a positive or a negative vision?

9. YESTERDAY is a day that has just passed. Now you are free to live in the present. Use each new day wisely and full of gratitude for every hour, every minute, and every second. Set goals for each day and take specific actions that will help you accomplish them.

10. ELOQUENT. Are you confident, persuasive and effective in the way you communicate? When speaking with others how would you rate yourself? Are you always voicing negative opinions? Or, are you positive in expressing your thoughts?

11. ADVERTISE. For those in business, always make the positive features and benefits of your product or service known. Appeal to the emotions of your prospective client. Give quality service and products so that your self-esteem is strengthened and your reputation is valued.

12. - In the coming new year, here’s hoping that you will REWARD yourself for any successful personal and business achievements. Improve your skills where and when needed. Change any negative habits, and always follow His guidance in all things you attempt to do.



Blogger Uganda Tourism Press Journalists said...

Jane. discovering blogger and getting to know you and all other bloggers. i have learnt alot and i have definitely had a change in the way i view my world.
Happy 2007.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 6:34:00 a.m.  
Blogger eddiie said...

uzababere umwaka wa amata nu ubuki. ...........

What does that mean exactly and is it in Tutsi or...........Happy 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 8:30:00 a.m.  
Blogger Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

thanx rafiki! ur the most affectionate and kind blogger i know; u've linked so many bloggers on yr site & u comment on almost every blog. this means u've hav something u learn & appreciate from every blogger & that's very uplifting esp. to those wiz ambitions of becoming social commentators, or even writers. thanx, & all the best for 2007.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 11:17:00 a.m.  
Blogger Saadiq said...

thanks for always commenting on my blog and correcting my mistakes..i certainly have learnt alot from u..Have a splendid new year and hope u come to london for ur work/study programme...

@Eddie..there is no language like Tutsi or's kinyarwanda!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 5:24:00 a.m.  
Blogger ombui said...

I hope the resolutions come to pass for you andd all people. God bles

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:51:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jane - your writings are not boring at all; to the contrary, I value your thoughts and views and find them very thought provoking and enlightening.

Not only yours: all our lives are 'dusfunctional' - otherwise, had we been responsible enough and managing affairs on this planet well - there would be much less: wars, poverty, hunger, pollutions etc.

Keep on writing!

Thursday, January 04, 2007 2:25:00 a.m.  
Blogger Minty said...

Hi JKB, thanks for the visits at mine. Always a pleasure to read your thoughts on this and that.

That kinyarwanda line says something about wishing us a year of milk and honey, no?

Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:36:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JKB i must say all yo blogs have been quite inspiring and i loved reading them throughout the year.. i hope with this year we will even have more fun thatn ever... Happy new year

Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:18:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeni, we appreciate all your kind efforts a couple of days ago. I hope this New year returns the best for you and your family. God bless you.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:36:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice seeing you again. I hope too that this will be your year. Great blog.

Louis Kagabo

Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:31:00 p.m.  
Blogger Jane said...

Thanks people, I appreciate all your kind words. Its hard keeping up with blogging lately, but I'll definately try...

@Meere; abaana baddayo to Kigs on 4 Jan. I thought u knew that. Oba?

@Dennis; Thanx, thats uplifting men. Yours is one of the blogs I frequent...twice a day.

@LA; I agree, the blogger medium has been informative to me too. Thanx 4 visiting with my blog.

@Minty; Your translation is right on the money. @Eddie; there u go buddy.

@Omar; Asante bwana. Keep on writing more often sir.

@Josh; I can not recall any mistakes I corrected, but hey, I'll take the credit...

@Be Silent; just discovered your blog late last year...its a gem, believe me.

@Monique & Louis; see ya at Franz...hopefully.

@Kisiki; the struggle continues

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 12:19:00 a.m.  
Blogger jovialjitterz said...

happy new year beauty! and may God bring you gifts and blessings that will forever continue to amaze you into marvelling at His great love.

Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:30:00 p.m.  
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Saturday, April 22, 2017 3:32:00 a.m.  

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